We have contracts with some insurance companies in Jordan and try our best to have the cost of the procedures covered by insurance.
Leg pain have many causes. One of the most common causes of leg pain is sciatica, which is usually caused by a disc bulge compressing the nerve root in the spine or by bony narrowing around the nerve root in the spine. Leg pain can also be caused by spinal canal stenosis, which usually causes pain worse when walking and improves when sitting.
Treatment of Sciatica:
- Treatment depends on the severity and duration of the pain.
- If the pain is acute and not severe, we start with medications and physical therapy.
- If the pain is chronic or severe, we proceed with an MRI to diagnose the problem and based on the results we may proceed with interventional procedures.
- There is a small percentage of patients with sciatica or spinal canal stenosis who don’t improve with conservative management and may require surgical intervention by our surgical colleagues.
We perform the following interventional procedures to treat leg pain:
Lumbar epidural steroid injections for sciatica pain or pain caused by spinal canal stenosis.
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve blocks to treat Meralgia Paresthetica.
Spinal cord stimulation to treat neuropathic pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
- Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial.
- Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant.