About Dr. Samer

Dr. Samer Abdel-Aziz, is American board certified in pain medicine and in anesthesiology. He completed his residence in Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. After that he completed a fellowship in Pain Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

  • After that he worked as an interventional pain physician and is currently the chair of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at Olmsted Medical Center in Minnesota, USA.

  • Before his training in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Dr. Samer worked as a research fellow at Harvard Medical School in the USA. He has published his work in the field of neuromodulation in prestigious medical journals (see publications).

  • Dr. Samer specializes in treating chronic pain conditions with interventional procedures using needles under fluoroscopy without surgery. He has special interest in radiofrequency ablation and spinal cord stimulation therapies.

Dr. Samer’s goal is to reduce the pain of his patients so that they can be more active and able to do the things they like.

Dr. Samer’s Publications

Book Chapters

Papers and Presentations

Temporally Coordinated Deep Brain Stimulation in the Dorsal and Ventral Striatum Synergistically Enhances Associative Learning. Husam Katnani, Shaun Patel, Churl Kwon, Samer Abdel-Aziz, John Gale, Emad Eskandar. Publication, Nature Scientific Reports.

Publication, Nature Scientific Reports 01/2016. Vol. 6. Article Number: 18806

Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Management of Pain from Brachial Plexus Avulsion. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Ahmed Ghaleb. Publication, Pain Medicine Journal.

Publication, Pain Medicine Journal 04/2014. Vol. 15. Issue 4. P:712-714

Change in Impedance with Change in Posture During Spinal Cord Stimulator Placement. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Ahmed Ghaleb.

Publication, Pain Studies and Treatment Journal 04/2014. Vol. 2. No. 2. P:70-72

Combined Sacral Nerve Roots Stimulation and Low Thoracic Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Ahmed Ghaleb.

Publication, Pain Studies and Treatment Journal 04/2014. Vol 2. No. 2. P:86-90

Methemoglobinemia With the Use of Benzocaine Spray for Awake Fiberoptic Intubation. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Nazish Hashmi, Sabina Khan, Mohamed Ismaeil.

Publication, Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 10/2013. Vol. 22. No. 3

Electrolyte Disturbances in Neurosurgical Patients: Essentials for Anesthesiologists. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Esamelden Abdelnaem, Sushma Thapa, Yasser Salem, Mohamed Ismaeil.

Publication, Contemporary Neurosurgery 08/2013. Vol. 35. No. 17

Anaphylactoid Shock with Infusion of 5% Albumin in a Patient under General Anesthesia. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Esamelden Abdelnaem, Neeraj Kumar, Mohamed Ismaeil.

Publication, Open Journal of Anesthesiology 11/2012. Vol. 2. No. 5

Anesthetic Management of a Patient With Intermittent Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Thea Rosenbaum.

Poster, ASA (10/2013)

Prolonged Effect of Non-Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Mathew Spond.

Poster, PGA (12/2012)

Anesthetic Management for Carotid Body Tumor Excision in a Patient with Bilateral Carotid Body Tumors. Samer Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed Ismaeil.

Poster, PGA (11/2012)

Selective enhancement of associative learning by microstimulation of the anterior striatum. Churl Su Kwon, Shaun Patel, Samer Abdel-Aziz, John Gale, Emad Eskandar.

Poster, Neuroscience (11/2011)

Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens facilitates behavioral performance. John Gale, Clarissa Martinez-Rubio, Scott Arfin, Samer Abdel-Aziz, Robert Sarpeshkar, Emad Eskandar.

Poster, Neuroscience (11/2010)

The Role of Beta-Band Activity in the Normal Primate Basal Ganglia, Shaun Patel, Samer Abdel-Aziz, Sameer Sheth, Emad Eskandar, John Gale.

Poster, The Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting (10/2010)

Dynamic Control of Motivation Using Deep Brain Stimulation, John Gale, Clarissa Martinez-Rubio, Samer Abdel-Aziz, Emad Eskandar.

Poster, The 63rd Annual Meeting of the MGH Scientific Committee (02/2010)

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نعم يشرفني اننى تواصلت معكم في مشكلة مستعصية في العصب الوركى عرق النسا ورأيكم الصواب والحمد لله اتبعنا النصائح وبحمد الله الامور ممتازة
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